Egg Marks The Spot is intelligent storytelling for young readers

What if the book DNA from Indiana Jones and Frog and Toad were magically strewn together? It would be a rollicking adventure that followed two friends as they went about their quest for a relic, or perhaps a rock. But, we’d also need to include lots of intelligent banter between the friends that are on par with an age-appropriate Sherlock. Egg Marks The Spot is a Skunk and Badger Story and is very close to fulfilling that order. The result is the second book in a series that’s smarter than most kids are used to reading, that’s partnered with more action than you’d expect from a skunk and a badger.

Egg Marks The Spot is intelligent storytelling for young readers that takes its time and delivers several fun twists that will keep you grinning.
This proves that smart books aren’t a chore for kids to read
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