The pros and con of using vinegar to clean

Prior to being a stay at home dad I had a wide variety of cleaning chemicals in my house.  I even had two pints of acid that was kept in a thick black bottle, triple layered zip sealed bag.  The acid didn’t make the move with us to our new home and is back at the old house, probably being surrounded by the EPA right now.

I was the single mans Breaking Bad, except I didn’t do anything with the chemicals, especially clean.  That is probably a good thing for the environment because I was horrible in chemistry and as I’ve stated before, my idea of cleaning was opening the windows and using a leaf blower.

However, as a dad with newfound sensibilities and wife unwilling to gamble on the third eye that our son may sprout, I had to change my noxious ways.   In the garage still sit a gallon or two (unopened) of glass cleaner and tile solvent.    The new cleaner of choice is white vinegar.  

I had used white vinegar at the old place, but it was used solely to knock down mold and even then I had too many gallons of it. My wife, after doing a bit of research found out that white vinegar can be used to clean most surfaces and is 100% eco friendly.  This way Baby Mojo can climb, crawl, gum and come into contact with any surface that he previously dirtied.

The Pros of white vinegar to clean

It is very effective at cleaning every surface that we’ve put it up against.  The toilet, tile floors, kitchen cabinets and even hard wood floors have all been cleaned with vinegar. 

It’s cheap.  I think its $2.25 for a gallon of it, just water it down or use it straight for more difficult clean up tasks.

The Con of using white vinegar to clean

Initially after use it has a sharp odor.  Thankfully that odor passes very quickly and leaves you with a clean house.

That’s the only con that we’ve discovered.  Vinegar is a cheap, safe and an effective way to clean any house that wants to keep their kid away from chemicals.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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