Daddy Mojo reviews: Husky 20 Piece T-Handle Driver Set

Some products need to be reinvented or improved upon.  A prime example of that are those curvy new light bulbs that are supposed to last 8 times longer.    Yeah, we got some for the house, they light up just fine and I’ve reaffirmed my street cred with Captain Planet.   We’ve seen these new screwdrivers in our local home improvement stores, but really, how can you improve on a screwdriver?

That is exactly what we were thinking and we love buying tools.  However, as there was a perfectly good set of screwdrivers in the garage already it simply would’ve been a waste of money.

And then lo and behold we won a set of these fine screwdrivers from our friends at Dad Central Consulting.  They were sitting around the kitchen in their fancy packaging for a couple days, because a screwdriver is a screwdriver, right?

Alas, no.  I had to use a screwdriver today and broke open the T-Handle driver set.  It made screwing a pleasure.  Wait, that sounded weird.  The T screwdriver handle set was much easier to use than a traditional tool because of the torque that the handle provides.  Yeah, that sounds better.

Husky T Handle ScrewdriversThe 20 piece set has shafts of all different lengths.  Wait, that sounded weird.  The 20 Piece T Handle Driver Set has many different lengths, so if the screw is deep inside or flush with the surface you can easily get to it.  Yeah, that sounds better.

The torque is the biggest difference.  You know how sometimes you have to push down on a traditional screwdriver?  The head may even strip because you push so hard?  Wait, that sounds weird.  The head of the screw may even get stripped because you’re trying to leverage something that isn’t a good fit.  Yeah, that sounds better.

With these T handle screw drivers you’ll get a good fit on the screw and a stronger grip, which will allow you to unscrew or screw with great ease.  Plus these T handle screwdrivers are less than $10 for the set, so your wallet won’t get screwed.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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