Daddy Mojo at the Movies: Mr. Poppers Penguins

Jim Carrey is Mr. Popper.  He’s a successful 30 something real estate developer in NYC who has a knack for acquiring impossible deals.  One aspect of his professional success and personal demeanor is driven by the fact that his father didn’t spend much time with him as a child. His father was exploring the world including the South Pole, from whence the penguins in the title come from.


One day Popper receives word that his father has passed away and will be sending a gift.  The gift is actually a penguin.  He tries to return the one penguin, but is mistakenly sent a couple more penguins.  Cue the ex wife, two children, nosey neighbors and curmudgeonly co-workers who don’t understand why they’re superstar deal maker is falling apart.  Popper finds love and companionship with the penguins that in turn help him put his family back together.


There were some genuine laughs during the movie from me as it was cute, serviceable summer entertainment.  The reason I had to state it like that is because Mr. Popper’s Penguins is entirely geared for children 12 and under.  There is a penguin that farts a lot and can’t control his bowel movement who will utterly steal the show if you’re attending the movie with a six year old.


I attended the movie with three young girls, aged 10, 8 and 6.  They all loved it and said that their favorite parts were the ones with the penguins.  “Did the use of CG penguins bother you?” I asked.  ‘You mean some of the penguins were computer animated’, they responded.

The Verdict

This is a lightweight children’s summer movie.  Children 12 and under will love it, laugh a little bit and have a fun PG time.  The adults in the crowd will enjoy the movie because their children are having fun, its air conditioned inside and hotter than 10 hells outside.  This is not a date movie for mom and dad, unless you really like simple, formulaic movies.

Mom and dad love to get out of the house, go to the theater and see a good movie.    Daddy Mojo at the Movies is different from Dad spends a night in the man cave.   In both cases movies will be watched, but Daddy Mojo at the Movies is a ‘date night’, while the later is the more disposable pulp cinema guys will watch.  Daddy Mojo at the Movies won’t divulge and secrets or twists in the movies, but will only evaluate if it’s a good night out for you and your bride.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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