Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

It seems like only yesterday I was a freewheeling childless guy who didn’t have a clue about what to expect in regards to raising children.  The learning curve from expectant father to Dad is huge and there are loads of questions that you don’t know you need to ask.

The old saying, you don’t know what you don’t know applies very well to expectant fathers.  You’re looking forward to it, but there is so much to learn and the only way to gain that knowledge is through experience.  It’s the yin and yang of parenting.

There are lots of little things that they didn’t tell us in the birthing class that I wish I’d have known.  The lack of sleep and feeding times are repeated often.  It’s the little exercises that even ‘in-shape’ dads need to do in order to avoid back pain.  The way that you run errands can also make parenting your infant easier.  Hint, park your car beside the shopping cart holders, that way you can put your infant from the car to the cart in one easy motion.

Rookie Dads can help out you expectant fathers.  It’s a free class where new dads can meet other new dads; ask questions, network, exchange baby sitter names or just try to know what you need to know.  Rookie Dads is held on June 16 at Baby on the Go in Roswell.  Baby on the Go is located at 270 Rucker Road, Suite 305, Roswell, 30004.

Attendance is limited, so if you plan to attend just RSVP to   It’s June 16, 6:30-8 at Baby on the Go.  If you know of a dad to-be tell them about it as there are certainly lots that they don’t know they need to know.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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