Dad spends a (family) night in the mancave: Who is Simon Miller?

Normally when Dad crawls into the mancave it’s by himself to watch something that may not be so family friendly.  Watching television with children is tough, because most of the time it’s either too boring for you or too adult for them.  To that end P&G has created Family Movie Night to showcase original, family friendly movies.

Who is Simon Miller? is the story of a family where all is not what it seems.  Simon (Loren Dean) is a geologist, has a family and takes lots of business trips.  His daughter Sarah has gotten into trouble for the first time at school and his son Kevin is a smart kid, but is only about video games.  When Simon gets home from a business trip he even gets called away while his wife, Meredith is cooking.

Of course if you were watching the first five minutes of the movie then you know that Simon is actually a spy.  He travels around the world doing covert government things; all the while his family thinks that he’s gone for such a long time because he has a fear of flying and has to travel by train.  This ruse works well until Simon ends up missing on a recent mission.

When he fails to show up at the train station Meredith starts to panic.  The family goes back home and look through his office where they find a mysterious set of keys to a warehouse.  The warehouse is stocked with all sorts of spy gear, including a computer which Kevin cracks and then figures out where dad is.

That starts the series of events that takes mom and the kids around the world to help rescue dad.  They meet some surly characters who seem like bad guys and some nice people that could be bad.  Along the way the family discover a little bit about themselves and find a good amount of action for an original television movie.

Who is Simon Miller? does have elements of True Lies, in addition to Spy Kids.  However, it’s not a real as True Lies or as juvenile as Spy Kids.
Who is Simon Miller? knows its audience and tries hard to deliver.  The bad guys aren’t too evil, but they’ll hold the attention of older kids who want more ‘realism’.

Adults will know what’s going to happen in Who is Simon Miller?, but the point of Family Movie Night is to involve everybody in the entertainment.  Who is Simon Miller? airs at the very family friendly time of 8:00 PM ET on Saturday, August 6th on NBC.  That way the entire family can watch it with the kids going to bed at a relatively good time.

Who is Simon Miller? delivers on that in a pleasing, easy to watch fashion that won’t spook mom or dad, but can easily engage the kids.  The children in the movie are great role models as they study hard and have lessons involving actions and consequences.  Who is Simon Miller? is
the latest entry in Family Movie Night by P&G and airs August 6, 8:00 PM ET.  For more information you can check out their website or Facebook page.

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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