A Dad goes to BlogHer 11

I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and Mommy Mojo said that she’d be upstairs packing my bags.  It’s not that she didn’t like me doing the dishes, it’s that we’re heading to San Diego for BlogHer11.  That begs the further question of why is my 7 month pregnant wife packing for me.

It all started a couple of years ago when we went to our honeymoon.   We got to our hotel and realized that I didn’t pack any shirts for me, not one.   Granted I was wearing a shirt at the time, but all of our honeymoon pictures have me in one of three shirts, two of them tourist type shirts from Vail.  Ever since then Mommy Mojo has put the kaibash on Daddy Mojo packing for any trip, regardless of the destination or duration.

This will be our first major blogging type conference.  I’m jumping in the deep end of the pool as BlogHer 11 will have over 3,500 people there, a vast majority of them being women.  The conference is about social media, but as the name implies, many of the break outs will be geared toward the fairer sex.  Shameless plug, big Mojo thanks to Graco for sponsoring Daddy Mojo’s trip to BlogHer11.

Once I found out that I was going to BlogHer the issue of finding accommodations was front and center.  It’s a conference with mainly women attending, but I needed to find a hotel room to share.  Thankfully our friend twitter found a guy who was looking to share a room, next came the issue explaining this to Mommy Mojo.

“You want to share a hotel room with somebody you don’t know?”

Yes.  Well I know him by his twitter and blog name and besides lots of people share rooms.

“What if he’s an ax murderer?”

Sweetie, if he’s an ax murderer then you know his blog so you can comment spam him and whatever you do, DO NOT click on any of his google ads.

In the end Mommy Mojo agreed with my uber cheap, money saving ways and I’m sharing space with J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy.  I don’t even know his real name, it’s probably Jay, but I don’t know.    Bloggers are a funny lot, throw in our twitter alias’ and you’ve got thousands of people who will be speaking in code, using @ for most of their references and referring to folks using their superhero names.  I wonder if any west coast Mojo’s will be there.   If you want to dig on some social media knowledge that drops our way please follow Daddy Mojo on twitter.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

13 thoughts on “A Dad goes to BlogHer 11”

      1. I don’t believe so. There was one last September called the Modern Man Media Summit (or “M3”), but I don’t think it will be replicated.

  1. It was great meeting you and even greater that your roomie didn’t kill you in your sleep. Hope the rest of your stay was full of sparkly unicorns.

  2. Yes, no homicide in sleep. Although his hairstyle was questionable. Getting back to the task of childcare and wrangling animal sheddings on the floor.

  3. And the best part is that you showed up and he had a POINTY MOhawk didn’t he? And you thought. This dude rocks. LITERALLY. 🙂
    Happy to have met the one of 6 dad bloggers at BlogHer.. 🙂 I’m sure there were more, but I didn’t see them sorry.

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