Sears wants to be your gifting destination this shopping season

I’m really thrilled to be part of the Holiday Blogger Ambassador Program at Sears.  Regardless of what holiday you’re shopping for this year Sears has something for that person on the list.  For us, it’s Christmas and we purchased a handful of ‘needed’ items for the house. Sears is out to hook you up with money to go shopping also.  Every day until December 24 they’re giving away $200 on through the Sears Holiday Shopping Challenge.  Just sign up on their facebook page, cross your fingers and browse through the site to start cyber window shopping.

There are some really awesome bloggers with me as an Ambassador with Sears.  DaDa Rocks, Mom Start, The Dirty T Shirt and Savvy Sassy Mom just to name a few of them.  Savvy Sassy Mom did a fabulous video visit to her local Sears.

Boom.  That was good wasn’t it?  Sears also promises Real Joy Guaranteedwhen you shop there.


Sears logo
Sears logo

The Sears Price Match Plus is simple and easy to follow.  If you find a lower price on the same item within 14 days of purchase, just bring in the advertisement and you’ll get 10% of the difference.   Easy, peasy.

The Real Deal is worth visiting every day.  A new deal pops up every day, you can visit or have the deals emailed to you.  Some of the past Real Deals included a pair of ceiling speakers for only $70, original cost $230.00.  You don’t need a shovel to dig that deal.

Having lived in Japan for a number of years I can shop at Sears and have it shipped to Japan.  The international shipping at Sears is thorough and will give you a case of wanderlust.

Mommy Mojo still needs another thing or two for Christmas.  She has been good this year and tolerant of her sometimes forgetful and messy husband.  When the kiddos are down I’ll visit and get some ideas.

If I’m pinched for time or ideas then I’ll browse Real Deals and select what price point and who the gift is for.  The only categories that I’m shopping for now are boys and hers.  If you have any really creative gifting ideas for a hard to shop for wife I’d love to hear them.

Have you visited Sears this holiday season?  If so, what was your experience?   Have you been to one of the Twitter parties on Monday night using the hashtag #SearsChat?

I was given product and compensated for the above ramblings.  The post consists of my own opinions and thoughts. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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