The life and times of a 5 month old

It’s inconceivable that More Mojo is 5 months old and unlike Vizzini in The Princess Bride, I know what inconceivable means.  Before we start planning More Mojo’s preschool here’s the skinny on what parents can expect from an average 5 month old.

The Naps and Food

A couple weeks ago he went from three naps to two naps.  This was great news because that meant that he was sleeping through the night!  Sleep training your baby is a separate post that requires more attention, lest the sanity of mom and dad be whittled away like a carving block.

Currently More Mojo goes to sleep at 6:30 pm, wakes up around 6:30 am and has 8oz every four hours.   Any day now he’ll start rice cereal.  I’ve never eaten rice cereal that I can remember, but it sounds tasteless and weird.

I like rice and I like cereal.  Rice cereal sounds like a food that somehow got shipwrecked on the Island of Lost Toys.  It’s two words that separately are good, but together is like a marriage to J-Lo.  Cheese cake is like that too.

 The Teething and Laughter

Your baby at 5 months
Your baby at 5 months

Those teeth have to come in sometime and for More Mojo it’s around now.  He was crying a bit more, irritable and ran a fever for a day.  The teeth still haven’t broken through, but we can feel a sharp ridge in his mouth, so any day they should break through.

Ouch.  I know this hurts.  With the teething comes the drooling, More Mojo is a veritable slow dripping fountain.  Thankfully when the teeth come in the pain will stop for him and the wet clothing will stop for me.

The closest I can imagine to teething pain is the Mythbuster’s episode where they had bamboo grow through their test dummy.  I’m glad I’m an adult, no teething pain and I’ve already gone through high school.

And the baby shall laugh and laugh some more.  When they’re not crying from teething, they laughing or grinning at something.  It’s adorable to watch them smile so much.  Be careful when you’re laying down if you pick them up because of all the drool though.

The Physical Activity

There’s not much physical activity going on yet.  He’s about to roll over, has tummy time daily and loves sitting in his Bumbo.   He’s occasionally grabbing things like rattles, blankets and small toys, but hasn’t been able to grab and stare at things yet.  When Toddler Mojo holds our fingers he can stand up for a couple seconds and then softly thumps down on his bottom.

Your 5 month old will probably really like peek a boo.  Toddler Mojo loves it when put a towel between us and sing to him, erupting in laughter when we lower it.

Enjoy the baby time!  It’s really amazing how quickly they grow up.  Yeah, it’s a cliché, but true that.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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