The new Van Halen could easily be called 1986-in a good way

Guys of a certain age grew up with Van Halen.  Sure ‘Van Halen’ put out music after 1984, but it never had the same flair.  Van Halen’s music always danced a line between playful, menacing and sinister.  You wanted to believe that the four of them were great friends, but after 1984 you realized that they were just a band.

When Tattoo, the first single was released I was cautiously optimistic.  It’s not great, but it’s not too bad and there is so much bad new rock on the radio now it was refreshing.

At just under three minutes She’s the Woman is a guitar rich song that would fit easily on Fair Warning.  It’s melodic, just a little heavy and short enough to get in and out with you wanting more.

With digital being the preferred format, I had gotten used to hearing good singles; and then being disappointed when the complete releases come out.  The new Van Halen, A Different Kind of Truth is the opposite.  All of the apprehension and minor disappointment I had with the single were counter balanced with how good the entire release is.

As Is and The Trouble With Never are both songs that could be singles.  They’re good, solid melodic songs that highlight what made Van Halen so great in the first place.

Stay Frosty is the jokey/acoustic song that’s usually on Van Halen releases.  It’s surprising good, bluesy and has some of the best guitar riffs on the entire album.

Bullethead is the lone track that tries to rock too fast and doesn’t work.  The strength in Van Halen’s fast songs is that they mix up the tempo within the song.

Honeybabiesweetiedoll also doesn’t work but not because of speed.  The song is mainly instrumental and its tempo is nice and controlled.  However, also throughout the song David Lee Roth is doing the deep voice/conversation thing that he did well in the 80’s, but just sounds forced now.

Overall, A Different Kind of Truth will blow you away.  It sounds like a relic in that the guitar is crisp, focused, sharp, fast and heavy.  Wolfgang Van Halen on bass handles and does a great job.  Alex and David Lee Roth step into their old shoes like it’s 1985.

Having said that

I can’t believe ticket prices to see Van Halen in concert.  In Atlanta they’re charging $175 a seat.  I do love that Kool and the Gang are the opening act, but I can’t part with that kind of money to see a band in concert.  I paid $26 to see them in 1984 and that seemed like a lot back then.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “The new Van Halen could easily be called 1986-in a good way”

  1. Bands pretty much can only make $$$ from concerts given the amount of piracy and online freebies. It’s sort of sad, but that is partially why the prices are so ridiculous. You realize that for the price of ONE ticket you could probably buy EVERY Van Halen CD AND Dvd! For the price of two tickets, you could get a t-shirt, too!

    1.  Ya, I purchased a T shirt to the show I caught in the early 80’s, still have it.  Can’t fit into it, but will pass it down to Toddler Mojo so he can be cool and trendy. 

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