New Hotness, The Oral-B Professional SmartSeries 5000

Vast improvements in simple devices: the Toothbrush

10 years ago I purchased a state of the art, cordless, power toothbrush with rotating bristles.  It got my teeth as clean as they could be without going to the dentist and hearing that high pitched version playing tag with my Molars.

New Hotness, The Oral-B Professional SmartSeries 5000
New Hotness: The Oral-B Professional SmartSeries 5000
Old and busted: a 10 year old toothbrush
Old and busted: a 10 year old toothbrush

I’m participating in a blog campaign for the Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide.  This post is sponsored and Oral-B provided me with a unit to test on my teeth.  They didn’t notice that my teeth were that bad or that my hygiene is questionable.  But if the new power toothbrushes can clean better than my 10 year old Model T; I’d love to try it out.

I had a tooth brush, why should I try a new toothbrush with a long title that looks like it was made by Skynet?   At one point you also had a different computer, possibly a Commodore, you can just continue using that.

I go to the dentist twice a year and have good teeth now, but that wasn’t always the case.  There are some cavities between the teeth, a couple in the teeth and a couple crowns in there too.  If I get anymore activity in my mouth I’ll have to put a tiny Medevil Times in the corner so they can all duel and eat big turkey legs.

As the stay at home parent I brush Toddler Mojo’s teeth twice a day.  Once we finish with that we have just enough time to eat and go back to sleep.  Brushing the teeth of a toddler is like trying to force an octopus to use chopsticks to eat fish.  It requires lots of patience, calm words and upper body strength to securely hold them down.

Oral B close up
Oral B close up

The Oral-B 5000 is leagues above my old toothbrush.  The timer that comes with it at first seemed unnecessary and overkill.  However, the timer ‘dings’ when you need to change quadrants in your mouth.  Front quadrants, do the top, then the back of your teeth, plus the tongue and your mouth just had a massage.

Really, there is a setting on the toothbrush for massage.  There are 4 other settings also and each one of them leaves your mouth screaming for more.  Notice the yellow bristles on the head of the 5000.  Those bristles are little a little plastic ninjas with nunchuks that help get gunk out of your mouth and gums.

Bottom line:  the power toothbrush has evolved and is wreaking havoc on dirty teeth.

The Oral-B is having a $10 mail-in rebate on select power toothbrushes through June 16, 2012, just visit

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I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of Oral-B and received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.  All thoughts are my own.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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