Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi Volume 1 review

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, Volume 1 collects the five issue mini-series and takes place 25,000 years before the Jedi that we’ve seen in the movies.  Think of it as a world where the Force and Jedi’s are known, but it’s a more innocent place where the players are still figuring things out.

The book starts out with some pyramid shaped vessels moving about from world to world collecting various species.  Readers who are familiar with Star Wars will recognize all of the tribes and people as they leave their home planets to colonize a separate place where the Force will be taught to eager young Jedi Knights.

Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi

They are aliens and have future technology, like space ships, but it also has some primitive, simple elements in the way that they live.  The Sith and Jedi have their Force under control and use it exclusively for good.   Then one day a strange new Je’daii comes along.  The other students realize that there is something different about him and chaos ensues.

Granted I’m glossing over some details, but fans of Star Wars will read the book anyway.  Is Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi Volume 1 a graphic novel that is enjoyable to non-Star Wars fans?  Yes it is.

I read Star Wars-Crimson Empire III and was underwhelmed.  It had some nice elements, but not enough action to keep those who don’t know the ins and outs of the Star Wars universe interested for too long.

For me, Dawn of the Jedi is better than Crimson Empire III because it takes a new, fresh look at the franchise.  There are no known characters, just beings that look like other characters that I used to know.  Dawn of the Jedi also has very little to no chatter about intergalactic laws or government-speak that dragged down much of Star Wars for me.  Sure Dawn of the Jedi has a couple slow moments, but it’s all related to the characters and is more about development than policy.

The artwork is nice, detailed and has some cool monsters and aliens that are new to the Star Wars universe.

It was also a nice coincidence that I was reading Dawn when the news was announced that Disney had acquired Star Wars and would be making more movies.  This book further proves to me that the world of Star Wars can be interesting without Han Solo or any of the original characters.  Leave those characters in the past and make the upcoming movie in 2015 with new characters.  The Force will be with them.

Star Wars:  Dawn of the Jedi Volume 1 is released on December 25.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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