Screen shot MIB3

Streaming movies on Vudu is not magic, but it sure makes viewing easy

Streaming movies sounds so hip and modern.  If that were the case then I would be akin to a cartoon caveman, still moving his car around with his feet.  Our computer is not hooked up to the TV (yet….) and until recently streaming movies sounded like something more George Jetson than Fred Flintstone.

#SEEMIB3 joins the ranks of our movies at home

We pre-purchased Men In Black 3 at Wal-Mart.  By pre-purchasing movies you receive a digital copy of the movie weeks before it comes out on DVD-AND you receive a Blu-ray DVD copy mailed to you.  What’s more, all pre-purchased copies from Vudu are UltraViolet compliant.


Ultra who what?  UltraViolet is the industry standard when it comes to watching movies that are stored in the cloud.  You can watch movies anytime, on a variety of devices when your movies are in the cloud. They don’t get wet-the cloud is more of a metaphor and UltraViolet isn’t a sci-fi movie or color tone that your movies come in.

I sat down in front of my computer to watch it.  It had been a long frustrating week and I wanted to watch the movie without any headaches.  To make the movie even more relaxing I watched it by myself, just my inner fan boy in the office with some good time traveling aliens.


When I first purchased the copy I created an account with Vudu.  I went back to that account, logged in and started to watch the movie.  It was simple and there was no fancy program you needed to download in order to watch the movie.  As this was my first streaming experience I was surprised at how ‘normal’ it all was.

Screen shot from #SEEMIB3

MIB3 streamed quickly and looked like I was watching it on a normal TV.  That is, except for the fact that I could pause it, control the volume and I was watching the movie weeks before anyone else.

It’s not that I felt like an elitist.  Anybody could have pre-purchased MIB3 weeks before the masses can purchase it on Blu-ray.  But it did feel neat saying that I was watching a movie at home, prior to its being released.  For just a moment I felt like an Academy Award judge.

If you’re an alien on Earth then you can watch your friends get busted by ordering the MIB Bundle-all of the Men In Black movies on Vudu.

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sony #CBias #SocialFabric.  All thoughts are my own and any physical resemblance to Fred Flintstone is purely coincidental.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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