Red She-Hulk 62

Red She-Hulk 62 is good, consistent, story oriented Hulk

I’ve been reading Hulk for a couple of years now.  At first he was the regular green Hulk, then Thunderbolt Ross (Red Hulk) and now Red She-Hulk.  The good part, from a story telling perspective is that all of them have taken place in the same book.  There was no forced reboot or taking the issues back to #1, they just changed the name of the book to Red She-Hulk. 

I think they did this because Marvel knew that the readers would stick with the book.  It’s been consistently well written with sharp illustrations ever since I started reading it in 2009.

Red She-Hulk 62

A couple of issues ago Red Hulk realized that he needed to step away and relax.  In his absence Red She-Hulk took over the title.  Like Hulk, she received too much Gamma Radiation and hulks out when she’s angry or needs to help someone.

What’s cool about modern comics is that the first page of each issue recaps where the story was prior to this issue.  As the stories often take place in alternate worlds that description can still be difficult to understand, but that page certainly makes it easier.

In Red She-Hulk 62 she teams up with Machine Man to dig deeper into the mysteries of a possible situation in the future where super humans rule the Earth with an iron fist.  Unfortunately, the two of them have fought through The Avengers and squadrons of secret police in their quest and have a couple of enemies.

Captain America somewhat still trusts them, but he too has his limits and tracks their location.  A mysterious bald guy named Martens is now helping the military.  Martens has a mind blocking power that stops Betty Ross from turning into Red She-Hulk.  At the end of the issue, Jennifer Walters, Green She-Hulk shows up and is now following Machine Man and Red She-Hulk too.  While I would’ve liked to see more Hulk action in the issue, it moved the story forward with enough action to keep it entertaining.

Carlos Pagulayan does the pencils for this issue and Jeff Parker handles the writing.  They work very well together and make potentially confusing story lines relatively easy to understand, as well as, entertaining.

Image from Red She-Hulk 62

Red-She Hulk, in addition to, New Avengers, Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers are the titles I’m reading now.  Sadly, Superior Spider-Man dropped off that list this past week.  It’s a good title, but a $3.99 title  needs to be better than ‘good’ for me to fork that out for a comic that comes out twice a month.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

5 thoughts on “Red She-Hulk 62 is good, consistent, story oriented Hulk”

  1. A Grown man still reading comics: very kewl!
    I wrote about comics in my book.
    I think they are very under-rated as forms of literature.
    Good comics have amazing story-lines and incredible values.
    I think this is cool.

    1. Why thanks you author you. I’m reading a good book on anime now called The Soul of Anime. In it they touch on anime in Japan and why it’s popular there for boys and girls of all ages-and why it’s mainly young boys elsewhere.

  2. I was doing a comic for the newsletter at my work. It was perceived that it was interrupting my work (though I was doing it at home). I was told to cease all comic submissions, and now everyone misses it. Lame.

    The Cheeky Daddy

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