Go Joe, ways to honor the military

This week is a busy one.  In addition to the work that must be done, I’ve got a couple of meetings and movies that I’m going to.  The movie that I’m most jazzed about seeing is definitely G.I. Joe: Retaliation.  Obviously, that’s a fictional movie that is geared towards entertaining people.  However, there are countless ways for you to help our heroes at home and abroad.

My wife is the person that always says “thank you for your service”, whenever she seee’s someone in uniform.  I’ve started to do it also.  While it may not be a big deal to them, it’s a big deal to the country and we’d be much worse off if they weren’t doing their job.

 Military.com has a very comprehensive guide to organizations that help U.S. military service members and veterans.  They range from cell phone gifts, letters, toys for children in their area, vacations when they return and many more.

Books for Soldiers

Soldiers can request books from this site.  You simply register to assist, they’re on all social media and you donate money to help them purchase books as well.

Operation Give

Operation Give donates toys to boys and girls in Iraq.  You can shop in their store for children, donate a toy, toy overstock and more.

Fisher House

You can help military families who have service members that are in the hospital stateside. 

Military Pets Foster Project

When I worked in the animal shelter industry I saw this first hand.  Someone who has to go overseas to serve shouldn’t have to stress about what happens to their best friend.  This organization helps find foster homes for their pets while they serve.

If learning or reading about military service dogs you must read Kevin Hanrahan’s blog

There are so many organizations on Military.com that you’ll find something that has an angle that you can help.  Go Joe, thanks for your service. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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