BBQ backyard

BBQ basics, mandatory items, #FritoLayFreeForAll, #giveaway & more #Ad

Sometimes the best laid BBQ plans can fall short.  The weather and health of those attending or hosting can’t be guaranteed, but outside of that there are some BBQ basics that are mandatory.

Regardless of what meat you’re cooking, marinate or prepare it well in advance.  For our BBQ ribs we boil the meat for at least 2 hours prior to marinating.  We’ll then marinate the meat for a bit until it’s placed on the grill. Boiling the meat reduces the cooking time and makes the meat tender.  This is great for parents that have less time to grill and people that love tasty meat.  Note*, the preceding description should include everyone except vegetarians-and you can have tofu on the grill.

Ribs cooking, BBQ basics

Do you have an avocado?  If not, stop what you’re doing, go to the store and get an avocado that is ready to eat.  If the avocado is soft and mushy, but not too mushy, then it’s ready to eat now.  If the avocado is hard, then you can eat it in about 6 days.  Avocados go great with everything, its nature’s butter.

BBQ backyard

Cooking does not happen instantaneously.  Because of that you will need some snacks to quell hungry guests or chefs.  We tried some of the newest Frito-Lay flavors and defy our rules in that the compliment the meals and have power flavor all their own.

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Cheetos MixUps Xtra Cheesy Mix and Cheetos MixUps Cheesy Salsa Mix are like fraternal twins or brothers from another mother.   The Cheetos MixUps Xtra Cheesy Mix is cheesy, not in a Vegas or lounge way, but four different cheeses mixed up with their puffy Cheetos Friends.

Don’t be fooled by Cheetos MixUps Salsa Mix.  Sure it says that it’s hot but this is Eva Mendes in a bikini hot.  You’ll need some Pepsi when you snack on this stuff, it’s surprisingly spicy.    Ditto the Doritos Tacos Lacos, instead except of being spicy they’re just nacho-y and rich.

On May 17 you can taste all of these, and maybe get some Pepsi,  at the #FritoLayFreeForAll at your local Kroger from 4-8.  That’s free, just pop by your local Kroger and snack accordingly.

The giveaway!

Whoot, we’re also giving away a BBQ basket and a $50 gift card.  Entry is simple:

  1. Just let us know which Frito-Lay or PepsiCo product are on your summer BBQ list. 
  2. You can also tweet an entry using #FritotoLayFreeForAll.  
  3. We’ll choose a winner at 8PM ET on May 21.  




Frito-Lay is sponsoring the BBQ by providing product.  We were compensated with a gift card, Frito-Lay and PepsiCo products.

Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

28 thoughts on “BBQ basics, mandatory items, #FritoLayFreeForAll, #giveaway & more #Ad”

  1. Excited to try the Cheetos Mix-Ups Salsa flavored- love spicy chips so these should be great! Recently tried Pepsi Next and it’s my new favorite!

  2. I picked up all of these great items free at Ralphs today! I love the new Cheetos but my favorite Frito Lay products are Fritos Cornchips

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