The Fraggles

Fraggle Rock celebrates 30 years of rocking the felt cloth on DVD

Everyone in this house is a huge Jim Henson fan.  I say Jim Henson fan instead of Muppet fan because his fingerprints are on all of his creations.  You can tell it in Sesame Street, The Muppets, The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.  It’s Jim Henson’s creativity that is geared to certain audiences.

That is where Fraggle rock fits into the Jim Henson universe.  Personally, I think of it as a ladder, with Sesame Street being the first rung and Fraggle Rock being the second one.

The Fraggles

Fraggle Rock is celebrating its 30th Anniversary by releasing all of the episodes on DVD.   When Fraggle Rock first came out I was too old to enjoy it. I just showed the Meet The Fraggles DVD to my oldest son and he found them to be too scary.

That’s not surprising because when I was a child The Muppets scared me.  Oh, when I was a little kid I loved Sesame Street, but by the time The Muppets were on TV they were not my friends.  I knew they weren’t real, but they still spooked me to where I couldn’t watch them.  My parents and older sister would watch them, but I would do something else.

Having watched Fraggle Rock for, essentially the first time recently here are my thoughts.  If I were a 5-9  year old child I would totally love them.  It’s not as basic as Sesame and doesn’t have the dry humor that the Muppets had.

There is a lot of singing in Fraggle Rock, it’s one of the things that Fraggles do, they sing. The ratio of singing to talking is probably 60/40.  They sing songs that children 5-9 would love, most of them slow, but all of them are pleasant.

Adults that grew up with the Fraggles 1983-1987 will love being able to watch them with their children.  Were you a Fraggle Rock kid-looking forward to the DVDs?


We were provided with a review copy of Fraggle Rock, Meet The Fraggles for review.    All thoughts are our own.  If, in my West Side Story dream of dreams The Fraggles were to meet The Muppets I’d lay money on The Muppets.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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