Jewelry isn't too passe for Mother's Day is it?

The #ShopMomsWay twitter party is Wed, 1:00 ET from @Kmart, prizes Mom and more

Don’t panic.  Mother’s Day is this Sunday.  I know, it seems like just yesterday was Valentine’s Day and you were in a lurch for a gift then too.  Unless their birthday is in the near future this is the last day that you’ll have to find something for her for a while.  Kmart is out to make things easier for you (guys) with the #ShopMomsWay twitter party, Wednesday, May 8 at 1:00 ET.

I’m horrible with gifts.  My go-to gift is the gift card, it’s either that or she’ll tell me what she wants.  Either way it’s win/win.

The #Shop MomsWay twitter party on May 8 at 1:00 can make that win/win/win.  As with all fabulous Kmart twitter parties there will be LOTS of gift cards given away.  If you can attend a twitter party AND win the gift that you would then give to your wife, mother, mother-in-law , sister or whoever then that is a home run in the world of shopping.

To take part in the #ShopMomsWay twitter party just:

  • Follow the host @ShopYourWay account and co-host @Sears, @Sears Latino and @Kmart accounts.
  • Retweet one of the promotional tweets announcing the party. These normally contain “RT to RSVP” in them.


  • Participate in the conversation when it occurs Wednesday, May 8th at 12pm CT, by answering questions and chatting to others under the #ShopMomsWay hashtag. Make sure you use #ShopMomsWay, or we won’t be able to see your replies!

The winners will be selected as the party goes on, but if any of the above criteria are missing you will be unable to claim your prize. If you are announced a winner, simply reply that you accept the prize and a Sears Holding rep will be in contact with you via DM for the next steps.

Jewelry isn't too passe for Mother's Day is it?

See you at the #ShopMomsWay party!  It’ll be fun, have some rocking prizes and may just solve your Mother’s Day gift issue.


*This is part of a compensated campaign with Kmart. All opinions are my own. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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