Recovery from a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: Melanoma surgery

When you wake up from your Sentinel Lymph Node surgery you’re groggy and won’t remember much.    Groggy is putting it mildly as I couldn’t remember how I got dressed to leave the hospital.  It was an 8 hour bar bender that left me hungry and curious, complete with a stop at Arby’s on the way home.

This is my story about recovery from melanoma surgery.  They biopsied one Sentinel Lymph Node, accessing it through a cut into my left under arm, and they made an incision in my back.    Your recovery will be different, but this may provide a guide for what to expect, minus the cat in the bed and TV shows.   

When you get home from surgery you’ll be disoriented, aloof and hungry.  I went to the bathroom took off my shirt and was surprised at the length of the incision under my arm.   It was a 3” cut that was sealed with surgical glue.

“Wow, that’s bigger than I thought it would be”, I said.

“If you think that’s big, check out the one on your back”, my wife said.

I turned around and saw an almost 10” incision down my back.  My initial thoughts were that I could make up a cool story about being in a knife fight, defending my wife’s honor or protecting some nun; but I was too tired.

The first 3 days in bed

I spent the next three days in bed, courtesy of my wife who said that I could only come out of the bedroom twice a day.

On the upside I got to watch shows that I’ve wanted to see.  Season 4 of Arrested Development:  uneven, but still very entertaining and worth watching.  Doctor Who:  Season 5, great and the latest doctor brings new energy to the role.   Continuum:  the first 5 are great, then it drags a bit and feels like a sci-fi show meant for Lifetime.  Having said that, it was good and I’m still watching it.

The cats came in, as did the occasional child asking if my back was better.

Riple in bed-she only can come in when I'm sick

During these three days I took vicodin for pain and slept decent but had trouble getting in and out of bed.

The meds:  Vicodin  (I know why Dr. House is crabby)

On the evening of the fourth night I was acting strange.  My mind was producing strange thoughts, which my mouth then proceeded to say and my wife thankfully reminded me that the meds were altering my behavior.

Vicodin is good at reducing the pain, but it affects people in different ways.  It makes my wife weepy and it makes me paranoid, angry and pessimistic.  Unfortunately, also that night….


Pain:  The Sequel

My ribs and back had been hurting for a couple days, but on the evening of the fourth night, they really cranked up the pain.  Why do my ribs feel like I’ve been punched by an extra from The Expendables?    It hurt to get out of bed, to move to do anything but lie in bed-absolutely still.

Over the next couple of days the rib pain went away.  I spoke with the doctor and they told me that pain can happen in strange places when you stretch skin.  Thankfully by the sixth day the rib pain had disappeared and the only pain worth mentioning was under my left arm.

Can’t bathe for 7 days

For some people not bathing for 7 days won’t be an issue.  Truthfully speaking, in the wintertime as the stay at home parent I may have gone 7 days without a shower.  However, 7 days without a shower in the summer, even when you’re not doing anything will produce a body with odors.

The Verdict

About 10 days after your surgery you’ll go see the doctor again where they’ll go over your results and future treatment.  Do not panic, even if the sentinel lymph node is clear, you’ll have to see the surgeon a couple of times a year and the dermatologist four times a year.

In the meantime I’ll relax and continue writing Melanoma:  the Musical.  The title is in flux, but the song will have echoes of Oklahoma, we’re checking into Hugh Jackman’s availability.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “Recovery from a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: Melanoma surgery”

  1. Vicodin makes me sleepy during the day and wide awake at night. Not sure how that happens or if my pain levels are more during the evening. I take it for managing chronic pain. I hope that you feel better.

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