It’s a dad blogger dream, a #HotWheels twitter party w/Kmart, 2/12 at 1PM ET

It’s been said that the most expensive habit a guy ever has starts at .98.  The subtle joke being that a Hot Wheels car is like a potato chip, you can’t have just one.  I still have mine from back when I was a kid, our children have dozens of them and a couple of racing sets.  All of this leads to the #HotWheels twitter party with Kmart on 2/12 at 1PM ET.  We’ll have $200 in gift cards, which don’t have to be spent on Hot Wheels, but if you’re like this dad blogger and have boys you’ll probably end up using it for that anyway.

Join the #HotWheels twitter party with Kmart on 2/12 at 1 PM ET

Our oldest son didn’t take to Hot Wheels until he was 3.  However, once his younger brother started to play with them he fully realized how cool they are.  The great thing about Hot Wheels is that they are the perfect gift.  I always have a 5 pack of Hot Wheels in the closet and a couple single cars in the package, just in case we need a birthday gift or special present.

The #HotWheels twitter party with Kmart will be about all those things and more.   Do you have a special memory from when you were a kid?  Maybe it’s the look on your child’s face when they first got the Hot Wheels Wall Tracks set?  The first time I saw the Wall Tracks set I was at BlogHer and spent most of my free time in there playing with the cars.  It’s such a simple idea:  race tracks on the wall that you can move from room to room.  That set is awesome if you’re just getting back into Hot Wheels or have young boys that are interested.

It’s the #HotWheels twitter party, Wednesday, February 12 at 1 PM ET.

To participate is simple.

Just RT this:

Take part in the #HotWheels twitter party, share stories and have fun.

Cross your axles and you might win big gift cards from Kmart.

See you 1 PM ET on 2/12 for the #HotWheels twitter party!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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