Love money? The #ShareTheWord twitter party is 2/13, 1 PM ET with Kmart

That entry into the headline was a bit of link bait and I apologize.  Having said that, money is something we all need and at its simplest form it is just a tool.  Whether we have a job for it, earn it through investments or never have enough of it, money allows us to do things.  The #ShareTheWord twitter party with Kmart on 2/13 at 1 PM ET will be all about money.

Talking money at the #ShareTheWord twitter party on February 13 at 1 PM ET

Cue the Pink Floyd song in 3, 2, 1. *

Your money has to carried around with you in some manner.  At home it’s helpful to have a safe to protect money or  your other valuables.  There are classes you can take to better educate you about money management or budgeting.  All of these topics will be fair fame during the #ShareTheWord twitter party with Kmart.

Bonus:  speaking of money the #ShareTheWord twitter party will be giving away  $200 in Kmart gift cards.   Free money is certainly the best kinds of money.

Taking part in the #ShareTheWord twitter party is simple.

Just RT this:


Now take part in the #ShareTheWord twitter party on Thursday, February 13 at 1 PM ET.

Answer some questions, share frugal tips, tell people how you save money and have fun.

That’s it-plus, most of the country will still be stuck inside due to the ice/snow storm, so it’s a great time for a twitter party!


*It would be a cliché to embed Money by Pink Floyd here.  Instead, feast upon the first track from Pompeii, Echoes.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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