Get a free LeapReader book at Barnes & Noble

I’m not getting paid for this by LeapReader or Barnes & Noble in any way.  Through March 23rd at selected Barnes & Noble locations LeapFrog is having a hands on learning event in-store.  Combine free with LeapFrog and it’s an event that needs to be spread far and wide.

LeapFrog event at Barnes & Noble

March is Family Reading Month.  We read to our kids several times a day and it’s a kick.  It’s introduced us to dozens of great book that make them and us laugh.  Our current favorite books are Battle Bunny, The Great Lollipop Caper, All Through My Town and various Dr. Seuss books.

For Christmas we gave our 4 year old the LeapReader from LeapFrog.  The LeapReader is a special pen that reads, plays games, has stories and allows children to ‘read’ special books.  They’ve got books on all manner of things, dinosaurs, Cars, various Disney characters, the body, universe, Earth, handwriting and more.

Our child loves his LeapReader.  We recently got him the dinosaur book and he can’t get enough of it.  Some of the more educational books that we have, like the one on handwriting and spelling he hasn’t warmed up to yet.  However, I know that he likes the educational system and that when he’s ready it’ll be a simple way to get him to learn those concepts much quicker.

Our local event at Barnes & Noble is this Saturday.  I have no idea what to expect, but according to the email that I got from LeapFrog and chatting with the folks at Barnes & Noble it’ll be a quick, fun event good for kids 4 and up.  Attendees will get a free LeapReader book and you’ll probably discover some tricks about the pen that you didn’t know.

Freebies are good, especially when it’s a quality one. If you go check out your local event let us know how it was, OK?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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