The Divoom Voombox review: active, powerful speaker for outside

The Mojo family has two boys, and along with spring comes two things: the advent of outside play, and a seemingly inexhaustible need for outside entertainment. We received the Divoom Voombox speaker to review.  It connects wirelessly to Bluetooth-enabled devices for stereo quality sound.

The Divoom Voombox wireless speaker by Daddy Mojo

With a little internet radio on my phone, the Voombox does provide a great backdrop for a play-date. The sides of the Voombox itself are covered with a rubber-material that makes it resistant to scuffs and accidental drops (or when the two year old snatches it!). With spring and summer approaching, I was also happy to know that if the boys want to get the hose out, the Voombox is also water resistant.  We’re still a couple years from going rafting with the boys, but the squirt guns and hose are on all the time during the summer.

Today, as the boys were playing in the cul-de-sac, I started thinking about how much parenthood changes a person. Until we had kids, the speaker would have gotten the most use at parties, on the deck, at the pool and at the beach. Now the speaker has accompanied the kids during dinner, bath time and play-dates. When connecting to a mobile phone, Voombox also has a built-in microphone so you can still answer calls when it is hooked up.

With the advent of all of this technology, we can’t get away from batteries – from having to figure how long their life is to charging them. The 12-hour battery life is definitely an advantage of Voombox. However a great bonus is that, though this speaker does come with a rechargeable cable, it will fit the same recharging device as any micro-USB chargeable device, which eliminates the need to go out and purchase superfluous charging cords.

The DiVoom Voombox is a good speaker for outdoor use, whether kids are present or not. It comes in red, blue, black or green.  At $99 it’s price point is good for an wireless speaker with good sound that can really be moved around.  Personally, our Voombox will come in very handy toward the end of the summer, when I’m hoping we can do our first annual mother-son campout in the backyard. Stay tuned.

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