Salem Hyde: Big Birthday Bash- classic children’s comic for all ages

Salem Hyde is a young witch who is also a typical six year old girl.  She’s hyper, gets in arguments with friends, daydreams, is forgetful and is constantly kept company by her smart, talking cat Whammy.  Adults will almost certainly be reminded of Calvin & Hobbes when they read Salem Hyde.  It’s infectiously cute and has wit, imagination and smiles on every page.  In that regards it is just like lots of classic cartoon characters.

The Misadventures of Salem Hyde Big Birthday Bash

Whammy is the logical counterbalance to Salem’s young witch.  He’s a cat who always knows the right thing to do and isn’t afraid to act silly at the same time.   Salem’s friends have lots that young readers will be able to relate to also.

Shelly is a girl in class, a little snooty and often inspires jealously from Salem.  Edgar is more of Salem’s friend and he’s the one who is having birthday in Salem Hyde: Big Birthday Bash.  Most of the story elements can be told through one page.  In that respect it reads like a typical newspaper comic.  However, when you step back and look at it, each page leads into the bigger story of Edgar’s party.

Big Birthday Bash is a fun book.  There are enough magical elements to provide images of fantastical things, like Salem being 40 foot tall or shrunken down to the size of an ant. Children will be able to relate to everything that Salem goes through.  She struggles to find a gift, gets angry when Shelly taunts her, has day dreams where she’s on a pirate ship and has heart to heart chats with her cat.

Art from Salem Hyde Big Birthday Bash

Being that Salem is a girl, young female readers may be more apt to like Salem Hyde.  In reality this is a children’s comic for any and all.  Calvin and Hobbes wasn’t just for boys because Calvin was a boy.  The art in Salem Hyde compliments the story so well that the book was effortless to read.  Its big, crisp lines and bigger than average faces are packed with the manic glee of a 6 year old at play.  The vocabulary is simple, so basic readers will be able to follow along with the pictures and a small command of reading.

It’s Wednesday!  That means new comic books and graphic novels arrive at your local comic book store.  To find the closest comic book store to you just check out the Comic Shop Locator Service.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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