The #MoreForDad twitter party with @Kmart on 6/11, 1PM ET

Father’s Day is this weekend.  After Sunday dads can go back to sleeping on the sofa, right?  Actually Kmart does a pretty good job of respecting dad’s year round.  Craftsman Tools are a staple to any dad’s garage and the #MoreForDad twitter party on 6/11 at 1PM ET will help fill in any gaps regarding Father’s Day.

To take part in the #MoreForDad twitter party just RT this

 Be sure to take part in the twitter party from 1-2 PM ET on June 11. Oh, and follow the hosts @Kmart!

Have fun, share some Father’s Day tips and you could win some of the $200 in gift cards that they’ll be giving out.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the guys out there-see you at the #MoreForDad twitter party!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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