Bug-A-Salt fires salt and your flyswatter to kill flies dead-giveaway

The Bug-A-Salt is a very clever product, with a great name that should only be used by adults.  That is worth mentioning because our oldest loves, absolutely loves to chase flies around the house with a flyswatter.  Hilarity ensues, but the fly always wins as he goes off to tell his friends about our wonderful garbage.  The Bug-A-Salt is a pump activated device that fires salt when you pull the trigger.  Flies die, there is no splatter and you feel like Private Hudson from Aliens.

Bug A Salt

All you do is pour regular table salt into the opening on top of the gun.  Close the lid, pump the gun, turn the safety off and pull the trigger when you’re about 1-2’ in front of the fly. Yes, it is fun.

I was concerned that we wouldn’t have any flies in the house to try it out.  Apparently word got out among the fly network and a couple of them entered the house shortly thereafter.

What is great about the Bug-A-Salt is that it works on any surface.  It doesn’t matter if the fly is situated on a corner or other non-flat surface.  As long as  you get close enough they don’t stand a chance.

After you pump the gun the safety will automatically lock, preventing the gun from firing unless you unlock it.  Although this is a bug killing gun, the salt does fly out of the barrel like a shotgun.  Never point the Bug-A-Salt at your face and always treat it like it’s loaded.  I state the obvious, yes?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Turn the safety off and hunt your prey.  It’s here where I should mention again that this is only for adults.  Our oldest has asked us many times if he can use it, he can’t, didn’t and won’t, nor should your child.

When you’re ready to fire be sure not to hold the barrel as you pull the trigger.  If you do that the barrel won’t allow the salt to spray out of the gun at full force.  We made that mistake a couple of times and got around it by putting our non trigger hand beside that one.

Because flies are quick and there is a little kick back to the Bug-A-Salt, you’ll need to use two hands to ensure that you kill the fly.  When you get really good you can use the scope on the gun to make certain that your shots are maximized too.

The Bug-A-Salt is fun to use and really does kill flies that we couldn’t have killed because of where they landed.  It works inside or outside and kills them without having that gooey bug mess that flyswatters leave behind.   The gun doesn’t use batteries and can shoot approximately 50 times on one load of salt.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

One thought on “Bug-A-Salt fires salt and your flyswatter to kill flies dead-giveaway”

  1. This looks like a product that I would love to try. Wish they had something like this for ants. Ants are my problem for the Summer.

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