Guardians of the Galaxy #16, great story & art-bring on the movie

I am not just saying that Guardians of the Galaxy is the best comic book out there now simply because of the movie coming out. I tried to embrace Green Lantern prior to that movie, but the story and movie just didn’t hold my attention. I have high hopes for the Guardians movie and have been reading this incarnation of the comic book since it came out last year.  Guardians of the Galaxy #16 continues with the team in shambles, spread out across the galaxy, trying to fight out of their situations and get back together.

Guardians of the Galaxy #16

Peter Quill, (Starlord) has just jumped out of a window to avoid guards who were holding him after his father captured him.   Venom has been captured by some Skrulls who have him onboard a space ship.  Drax the Destroyer is held in the Shi’ar Throneworld where he’s on trial for various things.  Gamora is in a big fight on Planet Boord when Angela comes in to help her and kill everyone in her way.

Rocket Racoon gets the short end of the story stick in this issue.  He is pictured, but it’s only for half a page where the aliens who were experimenting on him are suddenly commanded to let him go.   Groot isn’t in this issue, which is kind of understandable since he usually hangs with Rocket.

By the time the issue ends Captain Marvel has flown in to save Starlord, Starlord’s father may be facing a revolt on his planet, Gamora and Angela team up and are looking for the rest of the Guradians, Venom has killed everyone on the ship and Drax has just entered into fight to the death with his captors.

Guardians of the Galaxy art from #16

While I would love to see more Rocket, I like the direction that the comic is going.  The battle sequences with Gamora and Angela are some of the best in this issue.  It’s bright, vivid, manic, detailed and a great example of why I love this comic.

Rocket Racoon and Starlord get their own comic book next soon.  I’ll give them a look, but it won’t take away from my enjoyment of Guardians as a whole.  Guardians of the Galaxy is a great comic for ages 13 and up, some younger readers will be OK with the action sequences as they’re all comic book style and not based in reality.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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