Medikidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs, a medical comic book kids can relate to

Medikidz is a series of comic books that explain medical conditions.  What is impressive about the series is that they potentially complex conditions in ways that children can relate to and understand.  We received their current comic book Medikidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs to look over and it does do a great job breaking down what a seizure is and how an assistance dog can help children with Epilepsy.

Medkidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs comic book

The art in Medikidz is classic, more realistic and quite detail oriented.  It’s well drawn and the characters have a nice variety of expressions.

In Seizure Assistance Dogs we meet Joel a teen who is alone in his bedroom wanting to go outside and play with some kids, but hesitant because of his Epilepsy.  Suddenly the Medikidz, a group of 6 superheroes crash through the wall and start helping Joel.

Joel knows that the medicine he takes helps him, but still worries about his next seizure.  The Medikidz tell him that they know what he’s going through and invite him to go meet a friend who can help him.  They all go to A Paws For Ability, an organization that provides service dogs to children who need them.

Medkidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs comic book art

At the shelter they meet Flame, a dog who is specially trained to sense seizures and alert others that it is happening.  Joel’s family adopts Flame and she goes on to help his confidence in making new friends, going shopping and more.

Comics can teach a lot.  It teaches children that reading can be fun and these Medikidz comics break diseases down into a way that kids can understand it better.  The art in this issue even shows Joel having a seizure, so the heavy subjects aren’t watered down for the sake of the audience.

All of the comics in Medikidz are medically reviewed and have partners in any number of national organizations whose job it is to fight and hopefully find a cure for them.   Bonus: Medikidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs, as well as, Epilepsy (in Spanish and English) are free!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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