Peanuts 25 from BOOM! Studios

Peanuts #25, sturdy, all ages comic for generations to love

I hesitate using the word ‘sturdy’ to describe the Peanuts comic book.  That’s what you use to describe a table or your balance.               In this case I mean dependable, consistent and as charming as the day is long.  Peanuts is one of the most consistently pleasing all ages comic books that I read.  It’s great for new fans, classic Peanuts and retains all of the warmth, humor and characters that you know.

Peanuts 25 from BOOM! Studios

It’s in the same league as Simpsons Comics.  I’ve been reading that series since the first issue and while it’s never laugh out loud funny, it’s always entertaining, has art that I know and like and characters that I want to keep reading.  Yes, in a way, in the comic book world, Simpsons Comics and Peanuts are hand in hand with the all ages books that come out.

Peanuts 25 art

In Peanuts #26 Charlie Brown is going camping.  Wait he’s been camping before you say.  And yes, he has, but this tale is new, has fresh art is one that your young reader has not read before.  Snoopy goes camping too as a scout leader with his faithful troop of woodstocks of course.  While Charlie Brown is gone his baseball team wins their first game in ages and when he gets back his sister makes a quip about changing the locks and Peppermint Patty didn’t even notice that he was gone.

Peanuts 25 art 2

The heart of Peanuts for us has always been a combination of the story and the art.  Everyone can relate to somebody in Peanuts and at times everyone is a part of each character.  The art, even when it was printed daily in black and white is warm and fuzzy.  It’s the cartoon hug that you needed each time that you read it, even if you didn’t know that you needed it.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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