My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #2 review

My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #2 review

My Little Pony has a couple of titles in their lineup and our 5 year old likes them. We highlight them on the list of new all age comic books and this month they’ve got an event that’ll introduce many new fans to the dark side of Equestria. Our experience with the ponies in Equestria is limited, so to know that there are so many villains in the series encourages us for future issues.

My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #2 review

Fiendship is Magic is a tweak on the normal title of Friendship is Magic, which is the name of the regular comic that comes out monthly. This 5-week event happens in April and gives readers a deeper look at the baddies who want to possess the pony magic.

Tirek or Lord Tirek, is shown here as a young centaur. He hasn’t quite learned how to siphon the magic and energy from the ponies, yet. Tirek is biding his time, waiting on his father, but still yearning to become the indomitable force that ponies everywhere will fear.

My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #2 review

The tone and colors of Fiendship is Magic is dramatically different from the Friendship is Magic titles that we’ve read. Gone are the bright colors, replaced with big castles, dark colors, less sharing and much, much less teamwork.

If you’re a fan of My Little Pony you’ll really enjoy reading the villains side of the story.  Our son is a casual fan of MLP, so he’s not sure what to make of this. The look matches what he likes in some of his other comics and being My Little Pony it’s 100% safe for all ages.

It might also help get some new fans. They have villains?  There can be actual battles in Equestria?  Sure it’s important to point out to new people, of which I am one, that most of the issues are bright.  But this mini-series is a welcome chance to peek behind the curtain to see who else inhabits their world.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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