Sleepless Knight cover

Sleepless Knight is a classic young reader (comic) book

Sleepless Knight is the kind of book that I would’ve devoured when I was a young reader. I grew up reading Peanuts, comic books, Calvin and Hobbes, grown up books without illustrations and then started over again. Most of the text and illustrations in Sleepless Knight can be read by some children 6 and up and certainly 7 and up.

Sleepless Knight cover

I enjoyed reading Sleepless Knight to our children. The art is round, friendly; full of emotion and something that wills children to laugh out loud. Even if your child can’t read anything yet it’s a fun book to read because of the illustrations. The book is by James Sturm, Andrew Arnold and Alexis Frederick-Frost, they’re the same team that brought you Adventures in Cartooning.

If the art in Sleepless Knight looks familiar that is the reason.  The knight in the book is the same character from that book. In this case our knight is embarking on a seemingly simple mission, to go camping!

Sleepless Knight art

Upon leaving the castle the knight realizes that A. He has over packed and B. He can’t find his teddy bear. It’s from here that he meets a rabbit, a real bear all at the same time that his horse, Edward is sleeping.

Sleepless Knight panel

This is a cross between a comic book and an easy reader book.  The art is simple, yet powerful, so it’s accessible for small children.  It’s a book that is in hardcover and quite durable.  It’s also a great good-night book because it’s short enough to read a couple of times.  Read it two or three times, leave it in their bed to practice vocabulary and look at the pictures and your bed duties are done.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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