Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad

Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad #ad

We were compensated for this post.  All thoughts are our own. I hadn’t seen my next door neighbor for months and the place that I run into him is Kohl’s. It’s not that Kohl’s serves bacon when you enter or has secret places for guys to hide when their better halves are shopping. If you go to the store it’s conveniently laid out, is all on one level and has clearance racks (for the frugal minded dads) out the wazoo, just in time for Father’s Day.

Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad

It’s important to point out that Father’s Day, at least with the dads that I know, isn’t about the ultra regal gifts or over the top happenings.  For most of them a nice Star Wars shirt, pair of golf pants or something else that is casual that they can wear to the beach or around the house. Mind you, Kohl’s has some of the regal accoutrements and suits that dads sometimes need, but Father’s Day is much more low key.

So I entered the store and walked the perimeter of it. I always do that so I can scope out the sales and new items. I noticed there were lots of new three button golf shirts with SPF proof fabric, nice cargo shorts and oodles of t-shirts. I grabbed one pair of shorts that were a light blue color for $20. It’s important to state the color of the shorts because A. I don’t have any shorts that color and B. When I got home I had to ask my wife what color shirt went with them.

It was here that I saw my neighbor, who I literally never see. I asked him where the bacon was or failing that the area where guys can hide and have a drink while they wait for their better half.

He told me that he was there to get some shorts and t-shirts. He also mentioned that he picked up a Star Wars shirt for $2 the other day on the clearance racks. Ah, I had forgotten about the clearance racks. However, since I was in the store I could walk around to all of the different clearance racks and it was during this exploration that I found some deals.

Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad #ad

They had Lee khakis for $21.99. Man rule #327, you need a pair of khakis. A friend of mine was overseas and his friend commented that khakis are the unofficial uniform of men in the United States. Yes, yes they are.

Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad #ad

Walking around the forbidden zone, AKA, the home section, I found a big area where all of the summer stuff was marked down dramatically. They had $250 hammocks on sale for $99, anti-gravity outdoor lounge chairs for $50 and everything with a flag had big discounts. I call this area the forbidden zone because my wife buys all of the sheets, towels and throw pillows in our house. If it were up to me we wouldn’t have any throw pillows, the towels would all be beach and our sheets would be darker colors or have something Star Wars on them.  You can see now why my wife is in charge of this department.

Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad #ad

With the 4th of July coming up they’ve got 2 for $20 various flag shirts and the red, white and blue decorations at deep discounts too.

We left the store with a couple of shirts and shorts. The styles varied but the prices were all agreeable. They’ve got the same prices online for their clothing, so if you want to shop from the leisure of your kitchen table go for it, they haven’t installed the area where guys can hide while their better half shops…yet.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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