Mutant Planet, Season Two is why you have a large television

Mutant Planet, Season Two is why you have a large television

We have a reasonably big television. Well, it’s 37” and fits in the space that we wanted it.  It’s big enough for most of the things that we watch, but it’s when we see things like Mutant Planet that I wish we had a bigger one. Mutant Planet, Season Two just came out on DVD and we were sent a copy, most likely to water my television envy and direct me towards purchasing a new one.

Mutant Planet, Season Two is why you have a large television

Mutant Planet has a scary name, but the creatures in it aren’t scary per se, they’re just really unusual, pretty or unique looking. It’s a nature show and while it is technically for any age and rated G, there are some scenes of animals doing what’s necessary in the wild. That could be fighting, eating or chasing their prey, which would then go back to the first two. None of it is graphic, but it may not be something that you want a five year old to see.

Our five year old was OK with most of the scenes and turned away whenever things to where they were chasing dinner. “That’s the way things are in the jungle”, I reasoned with him. Even after that he was keen with seeing the rest of the episode.

The photography in Mutant Planet, Season Two is stunning. It gets in places that are too small for humans, captures events that are too fluid or fast to comprehend and animals that you’ll never have the chance to see on your own.

Each episode takes place on a different area in Africa, Borneo, India, Nambia and Central America. Within each episode you’ll meet a dozen or so different critters, from the small and cute to flying and ugly to large and slow and everything in between.  The DVD package is 220 minutes and the show originally aired on Science Channel. Season One of Mutant Planet aired in 2010 and the second season aired in 2014.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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