Usagi Yojimbo#149 is the ninja, all ages anthropomorphic comic you need to read

Usagi Yojimbo#149 is the ninja, all ages anthropomorphic comic you need to read

If you listened to our podcast on the new all age comics this week then you know that we love Usagi Yojimbo. Even based on its description it’s a comic that appeals to us and anyone who is looking for a fresh, well written and perfectly drawn comic that appeals to all ages. A ninja ronin rabbit travels the country where he encounters adventure, friends and other anthropomorphic ninjas intent on doing their thing. Issue #149 of Usagi Yojimbo came out this week and I wanted to purchase it so that I can remind myself-and explain to you how much fun comics can be to all ages.

Usagi Yojimbo#149 is the ninja, all ages anthropomorphic comic you need to read

We highlight all of the all age comics and at one point we’ve previously read all of them. From week to week we’ll revisit comics that were previously read to see if they’ve maintained their quality, improved or stayed the same.

Usagi Yojimbo #149 is a one-shot issue that keeps an entire story contained in this issue. Usually Usagi has a multiple issue story arc. If you like what you read and think that you or your child might want to jump into this series issue #149 is a good entry point.

Usagi is leaving a rural town when he sees a massive procession of samurai on their way to their Lord. Knowing that a group that large is less likely to be attacked he follows them. Along the way they are ambushed by thieves who want their treasure. Eventually the only survivor is Usagi and it’s his responsibility to take the treasure their Lord.

Usagi Yojimbo#149 is the ninja, all ages anthropomorphic comic you need to read

The treasure isn’t what most people would consider valuable and Usagi is shocked to discover the Lord’s response when he receives it knowing the personal costs that it took. This is a smart comic that blends elements of The Emperor’s New Clothes and Temple of Doom, but twists it around to where the Lord believes something so deeply that his followers start believing it too.

Usagi Yojimbo#149 is the ninja, all ages anthropomorphic comic you need to read

What is great about Usagi Yojimbo is that it tells a story in a succinct manner that lets readers follow along with ease, but still has lots of surprises. There is character development in the animals that, if they want you to, immediately understand their motivations as to why they’re doing something.

The art is jammed with age appropriate action that fits seamlessly in with comic strips that you’d see in the newspaper. Its lack of color is not even noticed when it comes to enjoying the comic or following the story. Sure the color on the cover of the comic is great, but the content of the comic inside proves that you don’t need the color to make it awesome.  Usagi Yojimbo is written and drawn by Stan Sakai and is a 2015 Eisner Award Winner.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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