Kind spotting, #Kindawesome and the power of simple deeds

Kind spotting, #Kindawesome and the power of simple deeds

Hey there, I partnered with Life of Dad and KIND for this promotion.  “Mommy, why are we poor”, she said as she came home from school. This family was not poor; they’re a nice upper middle class that live just down the road from us. The 9 year old daughter’s friends however, must have had a more affluent lifestyle. My wife and I share this story between us often as a barometer that we need to keep our children humble and have them realize that people have a wide variety of needs, wants and possessions.   KIND Snacks is touching on this topic for us now by reminding people how rewarding it is do simple things that are nice. They’ve also created a site, how kind of you, that celebrates random acts of kindness.

Kind spotting, #Kindawesome and the power of simple deeds

For the record our neighbors had been doing volunteer work with her. It was just one of those things that children say. Our children are too young to physically volunteer at a facility; but we’ve started doing our part to let them know each person is different.

Part of that comes from my background in humane society work and the pets that we’ve had in our house. As a child I only had fringe pets and never understood about the problem of pet overpopulation. We’ve talked about the spaying and neutering of animals, why it’s important and the payback that we receive.  We also regularly go through our books and toys, donating them to North Fulton Community Charities. People who work in the humane animal field and sort through donations for shelter are just some of the folks that are #kindawesome.

The bus driver for our child’s bus is #kindawesome.

The office manager at their school is #kindawesome.

Some of the authors, computer fixers and friends that I’ve worked with are #kindawesome.

It’s holding the door open, telling the parent that it gets better when they’re child is melting, being a kind driver when others aren’t so much and many other acts. #kindawesome is a program that celebrates the simple acts of being kind.

We’ve still got some codes to give out. Have you done something kind and think you deserve a KIND snack?  Just let us know in the comments and we’ll dish out the remaining codes that we have.

#kindawesome TWITTER party is 12/9, 8PM ET

If you want more KIND Snack mojo then check out the twitter party, December 9 at 8PM ET. Use #kindawesome, follow along and you could win a KIND case ($150 value) or lots of other KIND Snacks to keep the world moving.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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