Pie Face Game, a fun testament to truth in advertising

Pie Face Game, a fun testament to truth in advertising

You’ve probably seen one of the Pie Face Game videos on YouTube. The first one we saw was called ‘World’s Coolest Granddad’ or something like that. It featured a child with his grandfather playing the game. The child was laughing hysterically, as were all of the people in the room. It was a genuine, simple homemade video that let millions of people see the family have fun, as well as, asking what the heck is that game. All of the kids played Pie Face Game recently; they laughed hysterically, made a mess and tried desperately to convince, mom, dad or any of the grands to get in with them.

Pie Face Game, a fun testament to truth in advertising

The game play behind it is super simple. There are no batteries, no sound effects and nothing offensive for kids of any age. It’s recommended for ages 5 and up, but our 4 year old easily understood the game and could work it without any problems.

Pie Face Game is a child friendly version of the pie to the face gag. The game is simple to assemble and has a plastic ‘hand’ that you fill with whipped cream.  There is a yellow handle on the side of the game. All players have to do is spin the wheel and turn the handle to the number that it lands on. Players score one point for each turn they do not get hit in the face with a pie. The first person to get to 25 wins.

I asked an 8 year old who was about to join the game if he knew how to play. “I’ve seen the videos on YouTube”, he said to the adult who was worried about his level of fun and fair play.

In reality, this group of four children, aged 4-10 didn’t play the game correctly. They didn’t keep score and I suspect that they didn’t even know there was a way to ‘win’ the game. However, they laughed, burned off lots of kid energy and kept themselves entertained for an hour without any adult interaction.

Pie Face Game, a fun testament to truth in advertising 2

The downside is that they made a mess of the table with the whipped cream, but that is something that was easily cleaned up with a towel or two. Also, had any of the parents joined in the game with them this time then they would have known about the scoring element and the game would’ve produced an actual ‘winner’.

Pie Face Game is exactly what the box says it is. It’s entertaining, low maintenance and a great way for kids to play with a group of other kids or as a bonding time with parents. The bonus to playing with adults is that you’ll actually keep score and the game will produce more tension, as opposed to bellyfuls of laughter when it’s just the kids that play.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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