Disney Playmation Marvel Avengers review- digital role playing unleashed

Disney Playmation Marvel Avengers review- digital role playing unleashed

Disney Playmation sounds like-and to an extent looks like, a toy that you’ve seen before. It comes in a big box that you’ll find in the video game isle. The box is big enough to look like it’s a separate console system, but Disney Playmation is a technology based game that encourages kids to stand up, play, use their imaginations, get excited and even get outside.  It’s unlike anything you’ve seen before and if kids get the hang of it then it could revolutionize the way they ‘play’ with technology.

Disney Playmation Marvel Avengers review- digital role playing unleashed

The big box is the Repulsor Starter Pack. In that box is the Repulsor Gear (think an Iron Man device for your arm), two power activators, which are the landing bases for your initial two figures, Captain America and Red Skull.  These pieces are all that you’ll need to load 25 games that are imagination based, but have impressive sound effects and a vocal track to make you believe that you’re in a video game.

J.A.R.V.I.S is the brain behind your Repulsor Gear. Load up that with batteries, as well as, the activators and you’re almost ready to play. I say almost because there is an app that goes alongside the game that allows players to actually jump into the Avengers network. The app works, but our kids (and us) mainly play without the app for now.

Once you turn on the gear you’ll synch it to the two activators by jumping, bobbing, moving around and firing your Repulsor Cannon. The cannon is fired by using the finger controls that is held by your fingers at the end of the gear. It works very much like Iron Man would use his; all you need to bring is the wit and entrepreneurial moxy.

Disney Playmation Marvel Avengers review- digital role playing unleashed

This is where the really new and impressive element of Disney Playmation comes, pardon the pun, into play. If players do not move around they will lose.

Our 6 year old hasn’t really learned how to play the game, but he loves it. Sometimes he’ll lazily fire at the activator, but what he doesn’t realize is that he’s not playing the game. The villains in Playmation fire back at you. It’s all virtual, but the sound effects, vibrations and lights coming from your Gear makes it feel real. That is why you need to block, duck, hide, jump and move in order to get to your next mission.

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Another player can use the activator to battle against you, there are lots of other heroes that you can play as-including Hulk where you strap on Hulk hands and smash.  Once you get past the ‘what is this’ aspect of the toy, it’s amazing and can really entertain kids for hours.

The downside is that it does have a small learning curve, but once kids 6 and up know how to play it they’ll be hooked. The toy also requires a staggering 12 AA batteries, so invest in some rechargeables already. There are enough surprises, even with the basic starter pack to open their world to a whole new way to play. Hint: have younger players use the app initially, it’ll help get them tuned into the correct game play from the first time. Bonus: the price on Disney Playmation Marvel  Avengers has been marked down to $65 on Amazon. Bonus II: If you go by your local Disney store you can probably try it for free.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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