The new all age comics for January 6, 2016

The new all age comics for January 6, 2016

Happy New Year-the first #NCBD is nigh or at least near and there are lots of options for readers this week. One of our top 10 graphic novels for 2015 is released this week, Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians. The individual comics came out last year and this series is wordless, features beautiful art and good for ages 8 and up.

Two newer video game comics hit this week also, Skylanders Superchargers #3 and Angry Birds #1. Skylanders Superchargers is the favorite comic for our 6 year old now. He loves the fact that he can read along to the characters that he controls in the game. The content is OK for any age and is surprisingly good.

It’s a double shot for My Little Pony too with Friendship is Magic #38 and Friends Forever #24. Two groovy independent titles that you’ll want to look out for, Invader Zim #6 and Hero Cats #9 are worth looking at also. The first is great sci-fi for any age and the second blends the world of cats with action, great story and a narrative that kids will enjoy following.

There are also a couple new Doctor Who comics. These comics aren’t bad for younger readers, it just that the vocabulary might be over their head. However, if you’ve got a child that is into Doctor Who you can pick up any of these to further the adventures of time and space.

Star Wars received the Golden Book treatment-and that’s OK. Some fans hit out that the franchise went that direction. Spoiler alert: any age wants something to do with Star Wars and the Golden Books are perfect for young readers or those who you’re reading good night books to.

The new all age comics for January 6, 2016

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “The new all age comics for January 6, 2016”

  1. OMG, I miss Invader Zim (the cartoon) so much. I’m happy they have it in comic form now.

    Ugh, it burns my biscuits when members of the geek community want to have sole ownership over something like Star Wars. The more folks we have who’re interested in sci-fi and geekery, the better. Also, no toddler wants to be read to from a grown up book.

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