science fiction, all age comics, doctor who, young readers, humor, superheroes, skylanders, comic book

All age comics for March 30, 2016

Holy all age comics with superheroes! This week is packed to the gills with action and humor packed superheroes. Usually it’s a two or three issue parade, but this week you’ve got your pick of the odd teens, mutant turtles and super ability folks to engage young readers. There are also a handful of humor titles that’ll jam on readers of Riverdale, the Disney Princess contingent and magical mountain villages.

In science fiction there are a couple Doctor Who books worth mentioning that have similarities to the Star Wars universe. Doctor Who Magazine #498 is for the fans and features a comic strip, interviews with the creators, merchandise and lots of Who stories. Doctor Who Adventures Magazine #11 has posters, comics and puzzle for the Doctor Who fan. The difference in these two is that the later magazine is for those fans that are slightly younger, say 8 and older. Both publications are OK for any age, but with the vocabulary and price point ($10.99 and $7.99) will mean that readers and parents who are Whovians only will want to dive into these two.

Dragons: Riders of Berk Collection, Figment 2: Legacy of Imagination, Ghostbusters International #3 and a couple others hit shelves for young readers too.

science fiction, all age comics, doctor who, young readers, humor, superheroes, skylanders, comic book

Hildafolk is a charming story for any age about a young girl who is daydreaming under a tree in the mountains and goes on a magical adventure. It’s from Nobrow Press and a creative book that is for those that want a fresh read to buzz on about.

Superheroes this week: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6, Skylanders Superchargers #6 and lots of others. What’s great about the all age comics this week that are superhero oriented is that they’re for boys or girls.

The links will take you to TFAW where you’ll save up to 20%. If you’re looking for savings that are 50% or greater dig into their Scratch and Dent area-it’s awesome. Looking for your closest comic book store? Dig into the Comic Book Store Locator and you’ll be there by lunchtime.



Science Fiction

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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