Comic book, comic book store, batman 66’, Donald duck, humor, archie, spongebob, micronauts, comics, all age comic books,

New all age comic books for May 11, 2016

The new all age comic books the week after Free Comic Book Day are typically lighter than normal. This week is still busy though and has lots of great new comics for readers of any age. One bonus of going to the comic book store now is that there aren’t any lines, but there are still lots of free comic books available. They’ll certainly have some for you to get, but the same rule of five comics per customer will apply.

Humor comic books this week has Penguins of Madagascar: Elitest of Elite #3 of 4 that has the birds in search of another spy agency that has gone missing.  Archie Funhouse Jumbo Comics #20 is all color, classic Archie and available at supermarket check outs and most comic book stores. Humor also brings the funny with Donald Duck, Scooby Doo, Spongebob and more.

Comic book, comic book store, batman 66’, Donald duck, humor, archie, spongebob, micronauts, comics, all age comic books,

You can page the 80’s because Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs are back; issue 3 of their mini-series is out, as well as, Micronauts with (coincidently) issue 3 of their series. The first was a sci-fi, western mashup with anime roots that all but had Bruce Campbell in it for camp value. Miconauts was one of the first comics to take a look at the microverse and make is dangerous and fun, but with a chest you could see through! You can also enjoy the action with Actionverse #5 from Action Lab Entertainment, Atomic Robo, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and more.

With superheroes this week you can find Batman 66’, the camp classic’s final issues have come to graphic novels with volume four and five, each sold separately.  Are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles superheroes or action? Either way their latest #58 is out and is great for readers 8 and up.

Where is my closest comic book store? You can also hear some of our top weekly picks in each category on the podcast.



Science fiction/Action


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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