This week in all ages comics, Ghoul Scouts, Star Wars, Bart Simpson, Bodie Troll, Archie, Betty plus other Riverdale peeps.

All ages comics for March 7

Picky reader? Slow reader? A non-reader who you want to catch the passion for reading? A leisure reader? Whatever level reader you are (or have) there is something in the all ages comics rack to be read and enjoyed. In the podcast and YouTube version we’ll chat about Star Wars, Bodie Troll and two ‘life’ comics that will engage tween readers. For now, let’s take a look at three all ages comics for ages 7 and up that will make kids laugh, be curious and scare them (age appropriately of course), just a little bit.

Bart Simpson Bust Up

We love The Simpsons. Simpsons Comics is one of the go-to all ages comics that ages 6 and older can pick up any issue and be thoroughly entertained. Bart Simpson Bust Up is a graphic novel of previously published stories that are centered around Springfield’s spiky headed bad boy. ‘Bad’ is relative and this graphic novel is appropriate for ages 6 and up. I understand that some parents don’t want that age watching the television show. However, the printed version of Springfield doesn’t have the elements that parents don’t want their kids emulating.

Chimichanga: The Sorrow of the World’s Worst Face

A bearded girl, sideshow circus and a misfit little boy who grows his hair long so nobody can see him. This is Chimichanga and it’s one of the most satisfying all ages comics that was a mini-series from 2017. It’s not ‘scary’ per se, just very mysterious-in an all age way, with art and story to make young readers know that they’re reading something special. It’s from Eric Powell, whom older comic fans might know from The Goon. This comic though is squarely aimed at kids 8 and up.

Ghoul Scouts Tweenage Werewolf

Another great mini-series from 2017 that’s returning with new stories is Ghoul Scouts Tweenage Werewolf. From Action Lab Entertainment this mini-series is genuinely scary, but in a fun way in the same way that The Goonies was scary. Ask your parents about The Goonies kids. This is diverse group of kids who fight monsters and zombies in a real way.  They have to work together in order to drive stakes and avoid danger, but real strife in their friendship’s occur and they’re tweens, so growing up is happening also.

This week in all ages comics, Ghoul Scouts, Star Wars, Bart Simpson, Bodie Troll, Archie, Betty plus other Riverdale peeps.


all ages comics for march 7

all ages comics for march 7


all ages comics for march 7


all ages comics for march 7

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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