This Story Is For You is far away comfort food for kids 3-7

Greg Pizzoli has a way with the characters and colors that he uses in his books that really speak to small children. The colors he uses in his books are crisp, but also on the softer hued side of things.  His characters, either people or animals, are pleasant, amenable and immediately put children at ease. This Story Is For You is a book that celebrates the uniqueness of childhood friendships and the physical distance that sometimes happens between them.

The central figures in This Story Is For You are a boy and girl who are great friends. They also don’t see each other often; one of them is leaving for a period of time or one of them moved away. Their story is vague and that is a key reason as to why the book can be so beneficial to young children who need help processing their feelings. The reader doesn’t concretely know if the two are best friends, new friends or if they just met at camp.

The two have fun, goof around and act like typical children at play, all the while acknowledging that the other one is utterly unique. One of them goes on to a new place that’s far away, with new adventures, animals and people. The other one states that they’ll always have them, remember them and know who they are.

The text in This Story Is For You is perfectly suited for kids as young as three. Kids younger than first grade will probably think that its approach is too young when they’re around other people, but will sneak off and read it when they need a good reminder about how to deal with missing a friend.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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