All age comic books for June 13

All age comic books for June 13

Happy new comic book day! OK, technically, NCBD is each Wednesday, but let’s celebrate early by telling you about the new all age comic books that you can pick up this week. There are lots of comics that will interest readers as young as 6. I can remember when I was a kid that age going to the book store (which also some comic books) for special treats. In my case it was on the way the dentist’s office, so a trip to get a comic book was the carrot for going to get my teeth checked out. There are still lots of cool all age comic books for kids out this week. Over in the podcast we’ll chat about some great new Disney releases from IDW and Joe Books, a great new team up from Marvel Comics, Plants vs. Zombies, two great monster comics and more. For now, here are three cool comics that your elementary school kids and older will dig.

True Believers: Ant-Man & Wasp

This is not all about Ant-Man & Wasp. Their upcoming film is rated PG-13, which might be too much for some elementary school kids. True Believers is a series of previously released comic books from Marvel Comics. These could be landmark issues, character introductions or first issues that were published in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s, but in this new re-printed version they’re only $1. True Believers reprints lots of cool, classic Marvel issues and every one that we’ve seen is OK for our 6 year old. That’s because what was questionable for kids then, is now passé and acceptable. A 6YO in 1959 reading Tales to Astonish #57 might have seemed like lax parenting then, but now it’s done at a price point and level that’s OK for kids.

Plants Vs. Zombies, Volume 10: Rumble at Lake Gumbo

Kids in second grade and higher love Plants Vs. Zombies. Actually you will love Plants Vs. Zombies also once you read it. The monthly comic book series from Dark Horse Comics stopped a couple years ago, but they’ve kept their word at producing regular new, graphic novels. Rumble at Lake Gumbo is the latest original graphic novel to feature Zomboss, Crazy Dave and the rest in this equally funny and action packed story. This is one of those all age comic books, or in this case graphic novels, that will entertain anyone who picks it up; regardless of age.

Marvel Rising Alpha #1

Squirrel Girl is a great ongoing comic book. Ms. Marvel is a great ongoing comic book. It only makes sense that they should meet. Doreen Green (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl) volunteers as a counselor for computer class. Said class also has Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) as the junior counselor. Think Lumberjanes, but with super-heroes, two great ones at that and this is an issue that says “Pick me up”. Marvel Rising Alpha is appropriate for ages 8 and up.

Plants vs zombies, rumble at lake gumbo, all age comic books, comic books, true believer, ant man & wasp, marvel comics, true believers, marvel rising alpha,


All age comic books for June 13



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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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