All age comic books for August 22

All age comic books for August 22

It’s new comic book day (#NCBD on social media) and what new all age comic books are you reading? If you want to share them on social just tag them with #DaddyMojo too so we can casually look over your shoulder. Over in the podcast we’ll take a deeper look at Peanuts, The Beatles Yellow Submarine, a new graphic novel by Science Comics, two Star Wars books and more. For now though here are three great comic books that will interest readers as young as 5 years old.

Lumberjanes #53

Lumberjanes is one of the go-to all age comic books each month. It’s about a group of girls (The Lumberjanes) as they have fun at summer camp. Mix in some age appropriate monsters, science-fiction, adventure, friendship and more and every issue of this comic book is fabulous. It might appeal to girls more than boys, but that’s simply due to the main characters. As a quality vehicle, this is one of the best comic books for any audience, regardless of who is reading it or how old they are.

Pink Panther Presents the Ant and the Aardvark #1

Our 8 year old loves this series of comic books from American Mythology Productions. It started with The Pink Panther, but their ancillary friends and cartoon mates from back in the day have been getting in on the new audiences too. Ant and the Aardvark is a one-shot issue that will make kids as young at 5 laugh and remind parents about a very funny cartoon. Its humor is not 100% dry, but it’s dryish in the way that Mr. Bean is, except in an ant and aardvark way.

Marvel Super Hero Adventures Inferno, #1

This is all age super hero and its best. Marvel Super Hero Adventures doesn’t dumb down the super heroes. Nor does it give them the Muppet Baby treatment, instead it simply tells action based tales that kids as young at 5 can look at. In this issue Inferno is visiting Spider-Man and Venom is around the corner ready to mess things up in the city. Of course those younger ages won’t be able to read it themselves, but they’ll certainly love the artwork. Ages 7 and up should be able to read the comic book without any assistance from older folks.


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All age comic books for August 22


All age comic books for August 22All age comic books for August 22

All age comic books for August 22

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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