This week in all age comic books has Plants Vs. Zombies, Spider-Man, Goosebumps, Squirrel Girl, Disney and much more.

All age comic books for June 12

It’s new comic book day and that means that some cool new all age comic books are out also. As we’ve previously discussed, some of these comic books are good for middle schoolers, while some will be great for early elementary ages. Use your judgment, ask the person at the comic books store or tweet us @daddymojo for specific questions. We also go over some of the comic books in greater detail on the podcast. Speaking of which, this week we’re talking about Disney Incredibles (and Comics), Star Trek Vs. Transformers, Goosebumps 2, Jim Henson Sirens and more. Here though, are three great comic books for ages as young as 7.

Marvel Action Spider-Man #5

Kraven the Hunter is enough to bring us into a Spider-Man comic book. Marvel Action Spider-Man from IDW Publishing is a beast unto its own. This monthly comic book is flat out awesome for ages 7 and up. It has the action that those ages want, the content that makes it OK for parents to approve and manages to do it all so that it doesn’t love street cred with the middle school kids. Even better, this all age comic book has Miles Morales, Spider-Man and Spider Gwen in the same book.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #45

We’ve always thought of Unbeatable Squirrel as a middle school companion to Deadpool. She’s a superhero, but left of center and this monthly comic book perfectly captures the superhero world. Granted this superhero has the powers of a squirrel and is a teen. This is not the battle, superhero stuff that will appeal to traditional MCU people, most likely. In this comic book, we have a fabulous story with great art that sometimes joins the Marvel Comics story arch. Issue #45 is a War of the Realms tie-in and it doesn’t matter if you’re following that summer story. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl entertains audiences in upper elementary school and up who are looking for fun, wrapped in great story with jamming art.

Plants Vs. Zombies, Volume 13, Snow Thanks

Plants Vs. Zombies is in a tie for THE intellectual property that our nine year-old loves now. He started playing the video game, but gave up playing that and now goes absolutely mental for these comic books or graphic novels. The monthly comic books stopped a couple of years ago. Thankfully, true to their word, they’ve been producing new, original graphic novels that have that Zomboss spirit. This graphic novel series is great for kids 8 and up who want humor, action and just a dose of age appropriate zombie.

Superhero Action/science-fiction

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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