All age comic books for October 23

Have you heard that the spookiest holiday of the year is just around the corner? It’s also a great week for all age comic books and a couple great releases are getting into the seasonal act. Betty and Veronica Supernatural Stories, Star Wars Adventures gets spooky with Vader’s Castle and there are still some fab Halloween Comic Fest Mini-Comics for you to get.

In the podcast we’ll chat about Dilbert Turns 30, a new Super Sons novel-The Foxglove Mission by Ridley Pearson, Swamp Thing, Lumberjanes and more.

For now, here’s the list of those all age comic books that’ll be appropriate for readers as young as elementary school, but can skew just a bit older too.

Humor Betty & Veronica Friends Forever Supernatural, E

Dilbert Turns 30

Disney Manga Kilala Princess Mulan, #1, UE, M, Disney

Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys, The Mystery of the Missing Adults, UE, M

Secret Life of Pets Vol 2, #1, E

Zits, Not Sparking Joy, M, H

Superhero Dollar Comics Swamp Thing, M, H

Marvel Action Avengers TPB, Volume 2, E, M, H

Marvel Action Spider-Man, #10, E, M, H True Believers X-Men Kwannon, UE, M, H True Believers X-Men Apocalypse, UE, M, H

Super Sons Book 2, The Foxglove Mission, UE, M

Swamp Thing Giant, UE, M, H Science-Fiction/Action


Archie Vs. Predator 2, #3 of 5, M, H Lumberjanes, #67, UE, M, H Sonic the Hedgehog, #22, E, M Sonic the Hedgehog Tangle & Whisper #3 of 4, E, M

Star Wars Return of the Jedi graphic novel adaptation, #UE, M

Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle #4 of 5, UE, M, H Stephen Universe, #33, UE, M, H

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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