This week in all age comic books has the next installment of Dog Man, Spider-Man, Baby-Sitters Little Sister and a great WWII graphic novel by Sam Glanzman.

All age comic books for December 11

It’s a great week for all age comic books, especially if you’re one of the millions of Dog Man fans out there. Dog Man: Fetch 22 is out this week and it looks to continue on the heart and emotion that the previous release put forth. Seriously, if you think that this series is all about fart jokes you’re wrong. It’s got nothing but positive messages, humor and it also makes elementary age children want to read, plus a couple fart jokes or gassy metaphors. If you’re in middle or high school check out Battle For Britain. Artist Sam Glanzman does a perfect job of creating a narrative that’s educational and entertaining, without making light of the subject matter. This features four comic book length stories about a series of decisive days from WWII. Scroll down to see the complete list and check out the podcast for an in-depth listen to why we like some of these all age comic books.

Archie Christmas Spectacular, E Archie 1955 #3 of 5, UE, M

Baby Sisters Little Sister, Karen’s Witch, E, M

Dog Man Fetch-22, E, M

Oggy and the Cockroaches, #1, E, M

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, #14, UE, M Giant Size Defenders, M Go Go Power Rangers, #26, UE, M True Believers Annihilation Omega Unknown, UE, M True Believers, Nova, UE, M True Believers Annihilation, UE, M True Believers Annihilation, UE, M True Believes Annihilation, UE, M Wonder Twins, #10 of 12, UE, M Action/Science-fiction

Battle For Britain, M, H

Steven Universe, #35, UE, M, H Invader Zim #48, E, M

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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