Creature Campers, The Secret of Shadow Lake is the first in this silly series of elementary books designed to get kids reading.

Creature Campers has the ticket for elementary aged kids

Creature Campers is a new series of early reader books by epic! originals and The Secret of Shadow Lake is the first release. It takes a novel look at the first day of camp through the eyes of a non-traditional camper. In this case the camper is a Big Foot style monster named Norm. He’s headed to summer camp where a human named Oliver and all sorts of other animals, fairies or aliens will also be having typical tween and teen summer fun.

This is a fun early reader book that will make ages 6 through 9 smile. It will also give reluctant readers, particularly those who like humor, a reason to pick up a book. Our eight year-old is like that now. He’s looking for his book. This is the book, series of books or even genre of books that will want to read. This is the reluctant reader. One who needs to read for many purposes, but is hard pressed to find a book that he likes.

He’s read all of the Press Start books. That series is at a simpler level than Creature Campers or its sister series, Undersea Mystery Club. Now our goal is to get him to read slightly more complex material, but, he doesn’t like to read. The Secret of Shadow Lake is at a level that’s just about perfect for him.

Most of the chapters in the book are eight pages long and have creature illustrations on them from Bea Tormo. The text in Creature Campers is by Joe McGee and is such that most eight year old kids can read by themselves. Ours can read it by himself, but lacks the confidence to do it in a room all by himself. This is where the book or others like it are great for this type of reader.

For those readers it’s all about confidence. They can do it, but they simply need to believe that they can do it.  Our guy is getting comfortable with the book. He’s laughing at the illustrations and able to follow along with the story by reading it and that’s all we’re asking for now. If your reader is quick, then this will be a laugh out loud, pleasant series of books for ages seven and up that want their humor served with a slice of monster mash.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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