Who is the Bucks Bandit? stumbles in this otherwise engaging series

As a family, we are knee-deep in the struggles of getting an elementary-aged student to learn to love reading. One series that he does enjoy is the Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw series by Gina Loveless with illustrations by Andrea Bell. The third book in the series is Who is the Bucks Bandit? and it feels very different than the first two. Elementary-aged students who are already enjoying the series will gamely follow along. However, those passive readers who were reading the book just to placate their parents will feel like they’ve been here before. The result will leave librarians and parents of those younger kids who are coming into the series hoping that the fourth book in the Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw series finds its mojo again.

The third book in this series feels too familiar

Sleeping Bronty, updates the fairy tale with dinosaurs and chili

The story seems familiar, but Sleeping Bronty is the second in a series of the Once Before Time board books. Epic! Originals is an imprint of Andrews McMeel Publishing and are producing this very cute, left of center board books for young children. Board books are awesome for young readers because those pages can take a beating, either from hands that are practicing coordination or teeth that need something to chew on. Sleeping Bronty has the hardwired story of a sleeping princess, but throws lots of curve balls (and chili!) so that new audiences will enjoy its age-appropriate, slightly irreverent take.

Sleeping Bronty is the board book that follows the familiar tale of sleeping princesses, but modernizes it with dinosaurs and chili.
You know the story, but pre-K will love the twist that the book provides

Creature Campers has the ticket for elementary aged kids

Creature Campers is a new series of early reader books by epic! originals and The Secret of Shadow Lake is the first release. It takes a novel look at the first day of camp through the eyes of a non-traditional camper. In this case the camper is a Big Foot style monster named Norm. He’s headed to summer camp where a human named Oliver and all sorts of other animals, fairies or aliens will also be having typical tween and teen summer fun.

Continue reading Creature Campers has the ticket for elementary aged kids

Undersea Mystery Club has just the ticket for early elementary girls

Undersea Mystery Club, Problem at the Playground is the first in a series of books by epic! originals on Andrews McMeel Publishing. Violet is a purple mermaid who lives in Aquamarina with Wally, her narwhal. This is logical because if an early elementary reader series of books is going to have a fish in the story it had better be the closest real animal to a unicorn out there. They’re near the city’s new park for its grand opening, only it’s evident that something is immediately wrong.

Undersea Mystery Club is one that early elementary girls will want to join
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