The Complete High School Study Guide, Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook is required practice for age appropriate review and mastery.

Everything You Need to Ace Geometry High School, gets to the point

Everything You Need to Ace Geometry In One Big Fat Notebook is a high school academic’s dream. It’s from the Big Fat Notebook series of books on Workman Publishing. If you have a middle school student then you might be familiar with these books. They’re incredibly helpful, present information in a way that’s fun to read, and makes the content stick. The books are loaded with color, faux notebook paper, and real test examples of the subject that they’re covering. What you may not know is that the series has some books that skew older to those high school students.

The Complete High School Study Guide, Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook is required practice for age appropriate review and mastery.

It’s important to remember that because if you simply see ‘Geometry’ and the Big Fat Notebook logo then you might feel less than what you are. Wow, geometry sure has changed since I went to school is perhaps the kindest thing you’ll be uttering to yourself if you pick this up expecting a middle school curriculum.

The Complete High School Study Guide, Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook is required practice for age appropriate review and mastery.

Our son is in fifth grade and doing elementary school geometry now. This is the sort of math activity where you need to find X, figure out the angle, as well as, mass and volume. I get those equations and can help him without much assistance. Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook is on a much higher plane, yet is also entirely grounded.

The Complete High School Study Guide, Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook is required practice for age appropriate review and mastery.

These are the go-to notes that you wish you had in high school. They’re neatly written, has key vocabulary highlighted in yellow. Throughout its 10 units, your math student (or you) will discover or have refresher material on all manner of lines, shapes, transformations, area, volume, or other concepts that you parents have possibly long since forgotten.

If that’s you, then this book is also for you. Geometry has multiple examples after each concept is presented. There’s also a check your knowledge quiz at the end of each chapter. Praise the saints, just turn the page and the answers are right there. All too often I rip the answer key out of our children’s workbooks and end up losing them. Then, I have to do the math problem with them, or sometimes, they end up showing me how to do the problem. Recap: thanks for putting the answers inside the book so I can’t rip them out and lose them Workman Publishing.

This book is meant to be used. There’s enough white space on the pages to allow students to work on the problems that are present in the quiz. We pay our children when they finish ‘activity books’ like this. It helps us when we call it an ‘activity book’, perhaps it seems less like homework that way. Both of our kids do their on-level math sheets when they get home from school. This is especially important for math because it’s one of the subjects that must be practiced daily in order to master it. Getting your high school student to do a couple of pages a day in this book is a great way to accomplish said mastery.

The Complete High School Study Guide, Everything You Need to Ace Geometry in One Big Fat Notebook is by Christy Needham with illustrations by Kim Ku and on Workman Publishing.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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